The New Moon and Candlelight: Setting Intentions for the New Year
Forget about New Year's Resolutions!
Use the New Moon in January and a candle to create meaningful intentions for the New Year.

Moods and Hormones: How Simple Awareness Can Save Your Sanity and Improve Your Marriage
If hormones wreak havoc on your moods, here's what you need to know...

Infidelity: Should I Stay, or Should I Go?
Most people believe infidelity is a deal-breaker. But faced with the dilemma whether to stay or go, many couples find themselves deciding t

The Perfect(ionist) Christmas
About 20 years ago, my friend, Kelley, coined a phrase now famous among my family and friends…
“It’s not Christmas until Val yells out, ‘F

Infidelity: How and Why Affairs Happen
Understanding the “how” and “why” of an affair is one of the most important steps in the process of recovering from infidelity. In my exper

Infidelity: Honesty After an Affair - An Exercise
Exchanging lies for truth after the discovery of infidelity is painful for both partners. This exercise can help you through the process so

Infidelity: Seven Things You Need to Know to Heal Your Marriage After an Affair
Recovering from infidelity is hard work, but with two committed partners, it can be an opportunity to rebuild an even stronger, deeper relat

Anxiety, Stress, Worry: Are You Carrying Too Much? (Lessons From a Chipmunk)
Just as I opened my eyes there was a baby chipmunk about 4 feet in front of me – eyes wide with fear and cheeks bulging so huge it was comic

More Than The Shit Storm
Healthy couples connect on three different levels in their relationship. But some just live their lives in The Shit Storm.

Resentment is like Cancer to a Marriage
Resentments can be insidious and can creep into your relationship without much notice.
Being aware of your resentments - being mindful of